4 Essential Vitamins for Joint Pain

Updated: Mar 14, 2019


It is commonly known that a balanced and varied diet is an important requirement for maintaining good health, but many of us are not aware of which food groups are advantageous for specific parts of the body. It can be helpful to learn about this aspect, in order for you to give better consideration to the foods you are consuming. Women who suffer with joint pain, for example, will largely benefit from understanding which vitamins are good for this specific problem.

4 Essential Vitamins for Joint Pain

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a vital necessity for maintaining bone strength, as it is needed by the body to absorb calcium. It is therefore inadvertently adept at supporting the functionality of joints. A deficiency of this compound can lead to complications such as osteoporosis.

The most well-known source of vitamin D is sunlight. For women who live in warm climates it might be possible to receive an adequate amount of this vitamin from the sun; however, for those who are not subjected to this, other sources are required. These can be:

  • Vitamin D supplements
  • Egg yolk
  • Red meat
  • Oily fish

Omega 3

Many women have had great success with regards to joint pain relief, when regularly consuming omega 3. Studies have shown that this substance is considerably effective as an anti-inflammatory, and can be beneficial to sufferers of different types of arthritis because it alleviates both pain and stiffness. Oily fish such as tuna, salmon, and mackerel are excellent sources of this fatty acid, or walnuts, seeds, and leafy vegetables such as spinach are an alternative for those who do not enjoy fish.



When women reach their menopausal years, the depletion of estrogen has an effect on their bones and joints, because estrogen helps to protect bones. One way to try to counter this, or at least decrease the effects, is to ensure you consume an adequate amount of calcium.

Calcium is required by the body to maintain bone strength and supple joints; depending on your age, and adult woman should have an intake of between 1000 and 1300mg of calcium per day. This can be from:

  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Yoghurt
  • Soybeans
  • Tofu

Vitamin K2

This is a lesser known compound which can be beneficial for joint pain, and has been valued in Japan for its abilities to treat osteoporosis and other disorders relating to the bones and joints. It is said to be used by the body for supporting the activities of calcium and vitamin D. Good sources of vitamin K2 include:

  • Spring onions
  • Kale
  • Cheese
  • Eggs

Joint pain is sadly a common complaint among many older women, and for some it can be significantly damaging to their day to day lives - both physically and mentally. Armed with some awareness about the condition, and more specifically - ways it can be improved or even avoided, should hopefully enable you to feel more confident in facing it should you ever need to. There are a few different joint pain vitamins out there to choose from, each of which you should take care to consume in your normal diet. Learn more about 5 herbal supplements for joint pain.

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