5 Ways to Manage Constant Itching on the Body

By Fiorella M. | Updated: Mar 14, 2019


Itching can be a remarkably annoying sensation, and it only gets worse when it doesn't stop. Women who suffer from constant skin itching might be unable to concentrate on their work or even lose sleep because of the itch. If you are suffering from a constant itch, read on to learn more about how to manage the symptoms.

5 Ways to Manage Constant Itching on the Body

Wear Loose Cotton Clothing

Some materials, like wool, can scratch at your skin and irritate an itchy spot even more. Loose clothing allows the skin room and air to breathe and heal, and cotton is a fabric that tends to be the least irritating to your skin. 


Use a Humidifier

Since dry conditions in the air can dry skin out - making it itch - an excellent way to reduce itching is to use a humidifier to keep the air inside your house full of skin-rejuvenating moisture. 


Buy Fragrance-free Soaps

Many lotions, soaps, and other products contain chemicals used to simulate a scent. For some people, these chemicals have no effect on the skin, but others have skin that is more sensitive. If you are suffering from itchy skin, try switching to less irritating products or fragrance-free equivalents to see if it has an effect.


Shower in Lukewarm Water

Long, hot showers may feel good in the moment, but they can actually end up causing skin problems afterwards. Slightly cooler water - warm or lukewarm water - is better for the skin, and spending less time soaking in the shower or the tub can also minimize skin drying out and itching. 


Try Some Home Remedies

Using oatmeal, aloe vera, calamine, or other common home remedies can provide some amount of relief from the itch, at least temporarily. Experimenting with which one works best can provide the most relief. 

When to See a Doctor

Sometimes, constant itching can be a sign of a more serious, possibly even life-threatening condition. Because of this, there several criteria to help you decide when you should visit a doctor. You should seek medical advice if you have:

  • Other symptoms like unexplained weight loss, fever, or extreme exhaustion

  • A constant itch that lasts for more than two weeks

  • An itch that affects the entire body

  • An itch with no plausible cause

Although itching can get in the way of daily life, if the above remedies prove insufficient, there are other options to address itchiness. To learn more about managing the itch, read about the ways to treat itchy skin

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