6 Tips to Ease Fatigue Symptoms at Work

By Marie S. | Updated: Aug 02, 2016


Fatigue is an overall feeling of energy loss, tiredness, and exhaustion, primarily caused by inadequate sleep. It can also be the result of lifestyle factors such as high stress, poor diet, or insufficient exercise. Fatigue occurs when the body has to work harder than usual to carry out every day activities. It can also cause symptoms like difficulty concentrating, irritability and headaches. Here are some ways to ease fatigue symptoms at work:

6 Tips to Ease Fatigue Symptoms at Work

Take a Walk

Moving around gets the oxygen pumping, which increases heart rate and stimulates muscles. If you can't get outside for a walk, take any excuse to get up and move around the office. Whether it's offering to deliver something to someone across the office, volunteering to run errands, or getting up frequently to go to the water cooler, find a way to walk around as much as possible.


Eat Snacks

Studies have shown that eating small, healthy snacks every three to four hours in addition to your regular meals can help boost energy levels. Blood sugar levels drop when you skip meals, which is a leading cause of fatigue. A piece of fruit, low-fat yogurt, and whole grains are all nutrient-rich, energy-boosting snacks.


Listen to Music

Listening to music stimulates the brain and increases alertness. Upbeat tunes are ideal for perking up.


Call a Friend

Talking to loved ones has been shown to release oxytocin in the brain, which promotes calmness and happiness. Even if it is just for a few minutes during lunch, talking to a friend or family member can boost your energy levels and mood.


Drink Cold Water

A study conducted by The University of Chicago found that drinking cold water invigorates the mind and stimulates bodily functions. Drinking cold water has a similar effect as jumping into a body of cold water. Drinking the equivalent of eight glasses of water throughout the day also helps boost energy levels.


Organize Your Desk

A cluttered desk can cause anxiety and stress, so clean up your workspace in order to reduce stress and prevent fatigue. It also gives your brain different stimuli to work with.

Fatigue affects nearly all adults on a daily basis to some degree. It is important to try and get adequate sleep every night; adults need between seven and eight hours on average. Fatigue can strike at any time and is often accompanied by other inconvenient symptoms like headaches and moodiness.

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