How to Talk With Your Wife about Her Mood Swings

By Hannah R. | Updated: Jun 18, 2020


As a guy, you're in a tricky situation when it comes to your wife's mood swings. You don't want to offend her by bringing it up, but you want her to know that her fluctuating moods are taking a toll on your relationship. While it may be hard for you to understand exactly what your wife is experiencing, there are some things you can to do help.

3 Tips for Talking With Your Wife

Consider the following tips when approaching your wife about her mood swings:


Do Your Homework Before You Talk

If your wife is menopausal, her mood swings most likely are not caused by a bad day at the office or stress at home - they're the result of a hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalances occur in menopausal women when the production of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone starts to decrease. In addition to mood swings, your wife may also experience other menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, and loss of libido.Read about the topic so you can help your wife to deal with it.


Don't Be Afraid to Bring it up


More than 50% of women experience mood swings during menopause. Although they are a common symptom, they can be frustrating and embarrassing and she may not want to discuss what she is experiencing. Or, she may not even be aware of her mood swings and the impact they have on you. Communicate your interest and support as her partner. Make sure you raise concerns both about the ways her mood swings are affecting your relationship and the larger picture - her health.


Help Her to Treat Mood Swings

Hormones are the silent culprit behind your wife's mood swings. As such, it is important to discuss treatments for hormonal imbalances with your wife. Most doctors recommend making simple lifestyle changes such as drinking less caffeine, eating more protein, and exercising regularly.

If these are not effective, talk to a doctor about alternative methods or pharmaceutical treatments. Herbal remedies such as black cohosh, ginkgo biloba, and Macafem may provide relief for your wife without the risks or high cost. A doctor can also identify whether or not her mood swings are a sign of a more serious condition like bipolar disorder, depression, or anxiety.

Understanding the symptoms of menopause and how they affect your wife's everyday life is important for your marriage - and for your wife's health. Click here to read more about different ways to deal with mood swings.

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