Menopausal Irritability and Your Lifestyle

By Samantha S. | Updated: Jun 18, 2020

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When a woman enters menopause her hormones enter a state of flux. The changes to her endocrine system can have physical and emotional repercussions. During this time, many women experience mood swings, cognitive malfunction and irritability.

With irritability, as with many other symptoms of menopause, the cause is often a combination of other menopausal symptoms. For instance, if you are having trouble sleeping because of your night sweats, you may become irritable during waking hours.

Although you may not be able to control the changes in your body, you can control the effects it has on you. Whether or not you keep a healthy diet, exercise regularly and engage in de-stressing activities impacts your health during the menopause transition. If you are experiencing menopausal irritability, learn more about how your lifestyle affects your overall well being.

Diet and Exercise

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If you have limited time in your day, eating fast food seems like a convenient option. However, eating fried, overly processed food can have adverse effects on your overall health. In order to best care for your physical and emotional well being, it is best to eat a diet high in key vitamins and nutrients. The bulk of your diet should include healthy foods, such as:

Menopausal Irritability and Your Lifestyle 3
  • Fish filled with essential fatty acids that will help with cognition.

  • Spinach for calcium to prevent osteoporosis.

  • Fruits like pineapples that are rich in fiber to keep your digestive system working regularly.

  • Dark chocolate, when consumed in moderation, to boost serotonin levels.

Remember that maintaining overall wellness makes you less susceptible to developing menopausal irritability. It's also essential that you drink plenty of water to help keep your body working properly.

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Another important aspect of maintaining your health is exercise. 30 minutes a day of physical activity, five days a week, is recommended for optimal health. Exercising regularly will regulate your energy levels, as well as your mood, making you less susceptible to irritability.

For more information about how to deal with common symptoms of menopause click here.

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