Dos and Don'ts for Extreme Irritability

By Emily E. | Updated: Jun 18, 2020


Everyone has the occasional day where nothing's going right, but when those days start to add up to weeks, extreme irritability can really affect normal life. For women going through menopause, unfortunately, this may be a problem over which they have little control, as hormonal imbalance affects the mood in extremes. There are, however, simple changes that can help. Read on to discover six dos and don'ts to decrease irritability.

Dos and Don'ts for Extreme Irritability

Keep a Schedule

Unexpected plans can creep up on even the most organized among us, causing extreme irritability and frustration. To avoid spontaneous distractions, actively schedule some time away from everything to give you time to recharge and have a chance to regain perspective and good humor. This can mean quiet time alone, a meeting with positive people, or extra hours at the end of the day to combat sleep deprivation, depending on what you respond to best on a personal level.


Don't Feel Obligated

Don't feel obligated to take on requests or favors from others when you're already busy. Consider your schedule and whether you have time to add other peoples problems to it. If you don't, just tell them 'no.'


Start a Hobby

Whether it is painting, running, joining a book club, or anything in between, hobbies can help relieve the stress of a daily routine. By definition, these activities are purely for enjoyment, and therefore they can feel like small indulgences that instantly boost mood.


Don't Overindulge

Foods high in fats and sugars, like cheese and desserts, are designed to produce satisfaction. However, an unbalanced diet can have several damaging side effects. Healthy eating, by contrast, makes the body look and feel its best.


Tell Someone

While some find relief with solitude, it is important to remember not to bottle up those feelings of extreme irritability until they explode. Talking about the condition is the an important way to get the help needed, via understanding friends, a healthcare professional, or both. It is not good to always deal with the problem on one's own.


Don't Sit Around

Relaxation is essential to the prevention of extreme irritability, but becoming a couch potato is not the answer. Exercise is not only great for overall health, but it can be both relaxing and energizing, fighting off negative feelings at a chemical level by releasing endorphins in the brain. Power yoga is particularly effective, due to its emphasis on deep-breathing techniques and constant motion. Jogging is also particularly renowned for this purpose, having given birth to the expression “runner's high.”

Extreme irritability is more than just a change in mood - it's a real symptom of hormonal imbalance that deserves adequate attention. Simple lifestyle changes; however, may be all that's needed to improve the situation.

Follow the link below for further information on how to treat extreme irritability along with other menopausal symptoms.

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